Tuesday, August 2, 2011

F**k this S**t

So here's a lesson on the maturity of a child.
If you're a member of the age group 0-10, suck it up; your parents may actually know something about how to keep you safe, alive, and marginally healthy.
If you're a member of the age group 10-12, yeah we get it life sucks and everyone is out to get you. Again I hate to say it, but suck it up, think of it this way, once you finally hit 18 your life is yours and it really isn't that far away.
Age group 12-16, parents suck, it's a fact, they say they know what your going through, but unless they were teenage parents and were teenagers in the last 15-20 years or so, not buying it. They don't know anything, the world is vast and it keeps on spinning; spreading out new ideas, inventions, I pads, and god knows what else, so no environment for a kid stays the same for long. And it is a fact that when the environment is different, no childhood is even close to the same, just because your parents went through puberty 30 years ago doesn't mean that they were affected in the same way. So when they say that they know how it feels, you can either take a page from my book and show them absolutely no respect by verbally kicking their asses, or take a different page from my book and mentally stew about and let the resentment fester. Probably both of those scenarios will end badly, but either way you will know that in the end you, or rather I, was right.
Now for my age group, 16-18. Parents still suck, but at least now we're old enough to know that while we still may act like children a good percentage of the time, the rest of the time we're well on our way to being adults and we would like to be treated accordingly. If you're my parents in this case, that involves putting me in a cell made of pretend caring, but it doesn't have to always be that way. Find your own way of making noise, yell, scream, blow something up. Whatever you do, prove them right and show them just how immature you are, but at the same time, get your point across that you want to be treated differently. It may not happen overnight, there may be a good deal of hurt feelings, you may even fail. But the effort has to be made, and somehow, someday, we.will.win! And the world will be a better place for it.
And now for the last age group, 18-till the rest of your life. I'm not there yet, so I don't know how I will feel when the time comes, but try to remember this, you were a kid once, so yeah things may change but for a while there everything sucked. Life was a teeter-totter of hormones and voice cracks, Halo and spoiling. I have lost count of how many people I know have said that they will be better parents than their own when they grow up, and maybe that will be so, but I can almost guarantee that at some point, your future kids (should you go crazy and have them) will hate you and scream and shout and find whatever outlets they can for personal freedom. So the only advice I can give to you is, enjoy your remaining childish impulses while they last, screw up your lives for a good decade or so, or maybe even be the most hated goody-two-shoes that you can, whatever. Whatever happens, happens. Remember what you're thinking and feeling every time you do something silly or serious, write it down, make up a song, create a documentary, whatever. Make sure that when the time comes, you can find a way to recapture those feelings down the road, and maybe your kids will hate you just a little less. And maybe the world will be a better place in the end. Maybe. Or maybe it'll just get a LOT worse. But it's worth a shot isn't it?
Think on it,

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