Friday, January 13, 2012

No Title

Got to say, it's a little annoying trying to come up with a new title every time, so from now on unless it's really important, I'm not going to bother, just to show my commitment level.
Had fun at school today, once again had no idea what my calculus teacher was talking about, but that's water so far under the bridge. Other than that it was mostly me trying not to fall asleep in class. Which is actually made easier by the fact that despite the freezing temperatures outside, the school wide air conditioner is ALWAYS on, so here we all are huddled in our seats trying not to freeze to death.
Work was better, at least slightly. Of course my mother had to come in, and since we're fighting, I wasn't that happy to see her, and after I left to go do said job, she decided to spread the word to my coworkers how ungrateful I am, yippee. Whatever, that's her problem if she wants to be petty, I was mad, but now I'm over it.
But while on the topic of work, I just want to add yet another helpful hint to the masses out there. Ordering your drink after waiting in line behind people, then immediately coming over to the hand-off-bar and asking me where your tall latte is? Not helpful, and it just makes you look stupid, just thought you should know. Oh and by the way, telling me you want your money back because you can't wait anymore since you have food in the oven at home? What the f**k?!? First of all, when in a rush, I am working as fast as I can, which means that I will get to your drink order in due time, just because you are in a hurry doesn't mean that I'm not, or better yet, that that makes you my number 1 priority. Second, who the hell puts food in the oven and then LEAVES the house to get coffee? I hope your house burns down, it'll teach you a lesson.
Oh god and your kids? For the love of all that it holy, I am not, I repeat NOT your baby sitter, which means asking me to look after your kid while I'm already doing the job that I'm actually paid to do, yeah that's not going to happen. Get over yourself, if you can't trust your kids alone for the three minutes it takes for you to pee, then don't pick them up from school and immediately head for my store intent on giving your already annoying as shit kids more sugar. And then leaving them in my completely incapable hands. I hate kids, and that means that I hate yours, and there is no guarantee that they will be alive after you return. I'll make your coffee, but I will not make your problems my own, so once again get over yourself.
Now to change topics. I finally got around to seeing the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and let me just applaud. One of the best movies I have ever seen. There isn't any more that I can say than that.
So that was my Friday, I hope all of your Friday the 13ths were as fun/annoying/boring as mine, because that means that you weren't all killed by serial killers with white masks and chainsaws. And more importantly, that means that you are free to return and read my blog again in the future.

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