Friday, September 18, 2009

Sarcasm Muscles

At a request from a friend, I am to try to use more sarcasm. Anyone who knows me, even if it is only a little, knows that I lace almost every word with sarcasm in a conversation. The only problem with typing is that it is annoyingly difficult to convey tone. So I hope you will bear with me for however long it takes me to get with the program and learn to write so that people can hear my words as I am saying them as I type them.

But back to whatever it is that I am going to say today. It's hard to be sure in advance as I am totally playing this by ear. But let's just see what happens.

Today in school I ran into my old eight grade math teacher for the second time in as many days. Mrs. Hayes (I hope it is alright to name her, no worries though for if it is not then the name will just disappear some day) and I didn't really see eye to eye back when she was my teacher, I had always been under the assumption that she didn't really care for me all that much, this was proven when she reported me to the principal for harassment.
It's not like I punched anyone or anything, my friend and I had a friendly camaraderie that involved playfully calling each other names, but to Mrs. Hayes it was harassment, so I ended up in the Principal's office. As it took me all of 2 minutes to explain my side of the story I was out of there pretty fast, but I never look at Mrs. Hayes again without wondering if she was pondering on how to get rid of me for sure.
And now she teaches at my high school, and I keep seeing her! God must really freaking hate me or my karma just really sucks. If anyone is reading this know that I am doing my best to avoid her, hopefully it will all work out.
On the bright side, today went amazing well, i had fun in my computer class, and I finished my lab in Biology with my partner in record time. I felt so horrible doing the lab though, it was experimenting with earthworms and how much saline (salt water) affects them. The problem is that it actually like physically hurts them and so they were having these seizures as we exposed them to different saline solutions and it really took the fun out of everything and I felt slightly satanic. Although according to my little sister I already am, she is just loads of help.
And as usual my French class was so amazing I never wanted to leave, and then my English class came and I got the same feeling, but sadly school had to end at some point, so my friend Aaron and I took the bus over to my house and hung out for awhile. It would have been all good had my dad not insisted on calling me his girlfriend and vice versa after he left.
The happy glow though for the day was ruined when my little sister got away with more of her annoying hijinks that my parents hate as much as I do and yet don't punish her for. But life does go on and so I say my goodbyes for the night as I go to Facebook and try to get more people to come read this.
Does that sound kind of pathetic?
And does this sound kind of like I'm just bitching to you? If it does please understand that that isn't what I'm going for.
Rock on, and goodnight.

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