Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Everything Goes

Yeah, been a while since I posted and I'm sorry about that but school is a BITCH! But thanks to my long time away I have plenty to talk about.
Anyone see the pilot episode of Game of Thrones? Well I did and it was pretty good, it's always hard to adapt a book series into a tv show or movie, (example Harry Potter because that was a huge mistake, or Legend of the Seeker since the show diverged so completely from the books that they might as well have written the whole damn thing from scratch). I think that they did a freaking awesome job with Daenerys, not only is Emilia Clarke just as beautiful as I imagined Dany being, but so far she is doing a great of job of being Dany too. Plus I love the dynamic between her and Kahl Drogo (played by Jason Momoa, and by the way as much as I love him in Stargate Atlantis, DEFINITELY did not need to see his naked ass, next time I think I'm going to see it I'm just going to close my eyes). The only problem I had in the pilot was that the first night for Dany and Drogo was for me too much like a rape scene, in the book she wasn't exactly happy about having to sleep with the guy, but she was making the best of it and seemed to actually want to try and ahve a good time with it. In the scene in the show she was just such a crying mess that I just wanted to skip by it, but I guess that's just how the show writers liked to interpret the scene, whatever. Second episode though, SUCH an improvement, and great job with her slave fro Lys too, I thought that was well written and executed, although I don't like who they picked to play Irri and Jiquui and I think that they aren't going play much of a role in the show, not that they did in the books but at least they were somewhat functional as people in the story. And finally Drogo in the second episode, when is he going to talk? I'd like to hear at least something out of his mouth that I can understand before he gets nipple sliced and veggie-fyed in the head.
Now on to Tyrion, duuuuuude awesome job with Peter Dinklage! He is perfect as Tyrion if only a little better looking than I imagined Tyrion being, either way I'm sure he'll look right ugly enough when they eventually get around to hacking his nose off. Plus I love how sarcastic he is (something I myself can always appreciate) and how they are making the... dynamic , yes let's go with dynamic, relationship with his brother Jamie (despite their numerous flaws they actually seem to love each other as brothers, at least until they finally bring up Tysha in the show, you book knowers out their agree right?) and his hateful/spiteful one with Cersei, and how that all wraps up with Cersei hating him, loving Jamie, Tyrion loving Jamie and hating Cersei, and Jamie somehow loving them both. Despite all HIS flaws, at least Jamie was able to love both of his siblings and learned to just go with it, when he wasn't throwing little boys out windows for one, or accusing one's new wife of being a whore and raping her like one "for the good" of another. Yes, dynamic is definitely the right word to use.
Now on the rest of the cast, pretty decent job with Bran, where's Rickon by the way (hope they finally bring him fully into the picture soon), Sansa is just as annoying as in the book (and just like in the book can't eait for her to start living some hell and actually evolving into a decent and slightly less whiny human being), Arya and Jon are perfect can't wait to watch their respective journeys, and Ned and Catelyn too. Although dude, has Sean Bean gained some weight! What ever happened to the slim and hot Brit in Lord of the Rings, because it's painful enough knowing he's going to die soon, but it's something else entirely to have to watch him being fat too. And Cat is as whiny as in the books, can't wait for her to turn into Lady Stoneheart. But onto the bad stuff, Illyrio is boring, so I'm glad he's already out of the show's eye, the guy they picked to play Viserys just plain sucks, he looks weird and is not convincing as a self important beggar king, he's too much whiny boy not enough arrogance, please just spare us all and kill him already I kind of want to see how they do the molten crown scene. Cersei is cool and I love Lena Headey and all, but they need to start playing her up as the bitch we all know she is sooner rather than later, come on people we all knew she was a raving bitch from the first scene she was in, bring it to life! Robert is too boring and his accent isn't as gruff as it was alluded to in the book. And Theon and Robb, well all I can say about them is that their characters need work, and I can only hope for their future as characters on the show. That's pretty much all I can say until they start bringing in the rest of the cool guys in the book, can't say I'm not a little excited for the arrival of Brienne or Ser Flower-cape, ooh or the Unsullied, or any of that good stuff. And I can only hope that they just leave Davos out of the script all together since I NEVER saw his importance anyway and mostly just read his chapters since they were on the way to the good ones, and I never was entirely sure that he wouldn't became plot relevant, too bad I wasted my time since he never DID.
Ok well this post just turned out to be a review of Game of Thrones, oops. Oh well I had fun and maybe this will be a nice read for a certain demographic.
Tata for now!

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