Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ok, well, shit it has been a long time since I have posted. Sorry about that...
So where to start? How about letting you all know how the dentist went? Three cavities, which was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. All three are now filled and pain free making me a happy girl.
After that I actually did make a post, but then I forgot to post it for real, and then forgot to do it with three others and trying to fix that now would just be confusing and annoying, so oh well there.
I hope everybody had a great holiday time, Happy Chrismakwanzicah to everybody belatedly... I know I had a good time, got an x-box, and that remote controlled helium shark thing which, as it turns out, is really freaking awesome to play with, no matter how old you are.
Break was nice, got a lot of work hours in. And since everybody else on good old Mercer Island was in like Hawaii or Fiji or something, I actually didn't have to mentally strangle anyone, which is always a good thing.
Speaking of work, I'd like to think that I have grown as a Starbucks barista, enough so that not only am I a shift supervisor now, but that I can officially smile and treat a customer with respect and dignity even when according to them I don't even rate any sort of f*****g  acknowledgment.
I think it shows admiral restraint on my part when customers (yes plural, more than one person does this on a regular basis, which surprises the f**k out of me) don't even finish ordering their damn drink. Tall vanilla is NOT I repeat NOT a full order, that is a partial order which can end in many different ways, such as latte, or cappuccino, or mocha, frappuchino, caramel macchiato, the least seriously goes on. And when I finish in my nice, perky voice, "latte?" And you look at me like I'm some kind of retarded freak, that does NOT make me want to serve you any more. So for god's sake, finish your f*****g order and get the hell out of my line, because I can't read your damn mind, and by the way when you can't even finsih a sentence it doesn't really make me think that you have a lot of gray matter yourself. Remember, I'm paid to be nice to you, and your paying me not to spit in your food, However, no where does it say on our menu that we enjoy putting up with your bullshit!
There rant over, I guess I've been holding that in since November, sorry about that.
Anyway,new year, new game, possibly the end of the world, but we got months to ignore that. Maybe this year will also mean new resolutions to be nicer as a person, and to try and understand that there are other people out there who have problems to, and maybe they don't want to hear about yours. (Yes I see the irony, but let me remind you that you clicked on my blog, you clicked on this post, your reading this is entirely voluntary, and I know for a fact that lots of people enjoy hearing what I have to say).
On a very different, and very important note, new year means new seasons of our (my) favorite tv shows. Warehouse 13 comes back this summer, so does Alphas. Eueka has its last season this year, which is sad, but hopefully its end sums up all the years of happiness that every viewer has felt since the beginning. Game of Thrones, Sanctuary (I think, I don't actually know when the next season starts, or if has even been renewed yet) and whatever shows you geeks out there like to watch.
Also a bit of shameless advertising, the big people out there are re-releasing Titanic in 3-D this April to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the launch of the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Titanic, I hope lots of you go to see it to remember the tragedy of what happened, and celebrate the memory of those who died on that ship.
There's a lot of cool stuff happening this year, and I'll get to it all at some point. So sorry again for the wait, and I hope you tune back in here soon to read whatever else I have to say later on. Here's to the new year, and let's have some fun.

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