Friday, January 13, 2012

No Title

Got to say, it's a little annoying trying to come up with a new title every time, so from now on unless it's really important, I'm not going to bother, just to show my commitment level.
Had fun at school today, once again had no idea what my calculus teacher was talking about, but that's water so far under the bridge. Other than that it was mostly me trying not to fall asleep in class. Which is actually made easier by the fact that despite the freezing temperatures outside, the school wide air conditioner is ALWAYS on, so here we all are huddled in our seats trying not to freeze to death.
Work was better, at least slightly. Of course my mother had to come in, and since we're fighting, I wasn't that happy to see her, and after I left to go do said job, she decided to spread the word to my coworkers how ungrateful I am, yippee. Whatever, that's her problem if she wants to be petty, I was mad, but now I'm over it.
But while on the topic of work, I just want to add yet another helpful hint to the masses out there. Ordering your drink after waiting in line behind people, then immediately coming over to the hand-off-bar and asking me where your tall latte is? Not helpful, and it just makes you look stupid, just thought you should know. Oh and by the way, telling me you want your money back because you can't wait anymore since you have food in the oven at home? What the f**k?!? First of all, when in a rush, I am working as fast as I can, which means that I will get to your drink order in due time, just because you are in a hurry doesn't mean that I'm not, or better yet, that that makes you my number 1 priority. Second, who the hell puts food in the oven and then LEAVES the house to get coffee? I hope your house burns down, it'll teach you a lesson.
Oh god and your kids? For the love of all that it holy, I am not, I repeat NOT your baby sitter, which means asking me to look after your kid while I'm already doing the job that I'm actually paid to do, yeah that's not going to happen. Get over yourself, if you can't trust your kids alone for the three minutes it takes for you to pee, then don't pick them up from school and immediately head for my store intent on giving your already annoying as shit kids more sugar. And then leaving them in my completely incapable hands. I hate kids, and that means that I hate yours, and there is no guarantee that they will be alive after you return. I'll make your coffee, but I will not make your problems my own, so once again get over yourself.
Now to change topics. I finally got around to seeing the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and let me just applaud. One of the best movies I have ever seen. There isn't any more that I can say than that.
So that was my Friday, I hope all of your Friday the 13ths were as fun/annoying/boring as mine, because that means that you weren't all killed by serial killers with white masks and chainsaws. And more importantly, that means that you are free to return and read my blog again in the future.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ok, well, shit it has been a long time since I have posted. Sorry about that...
So where to start? How about letting you all know how the dentist went? Three cavities, which was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. All three are now filled and pain free making me a happy girl.
After that I actually did make a post, but then I forgot to post it for real, and then forgot to do it with three others and trying to fix that now would just be confusing and annoying, so oh well there.
I hope everybody had a great holiday time, Happy Chrismakwanzicah to everybody belatedly... I know I had a good time, got an x-box, and that remote controlled helium shark thing which, as it turns out, is really freaking awesome to play with, no matter how old you are.
Break was nice, got a lot of work hours in. And since everybody else on good old Mercer Island was in like Hawaii or Fiji or something, I actually didn't have to mentally strangle anyone, which is always a good thing.
Speaking of work, I'd like to think that I have grown as a Starbucks barista, enough so that not only am I a shift supervisor now, but that I can officially smile and treat a customer with respect and dignity even when according to them I don't even rate any sort of f*****g  acknowledgment.
I think it shows admiral restraint on my part when customers (yes plural, more than one person does this on a regular basis, which surprises the f**k out of me) don't even finish ordering their damn drink. Tall vanilla is NOT I repeat NOT a full order, that is a partial order which can end in many different ways, such as latte, or cappuccino, or mocha, frappuchino, caramel macchiato, the least seriously goes on. And when I finish in my nice, perky voice, "latte?" And you look at me like I'm some kind of retarded freak, that does NOT make me want to serve you any more. So for god's sake, finish your f*****g order and get the hell out of my line, because I can't read your damn mind, and by the way when you can't even finsih a sentence it doesn't really make me think that you have a lot of gray matter yourself. Remember, I'm paid to be nice to you, and your paying me not to spit in your food, However, no where does it say on our menu that we enjoy putting up with your bullshit!
There rant over, I guess I've been holding that in since November, sorry about that.
Anyway,new year, new game, possibly the end of the world, but we got months to ignore that. Maybe this year will also mean new resolutions to be nicer as a person, and to try and understand that there are other people out there who have problems to, and maybe they don't want to hear about yours. (Yes I see the irony, but let me remind you that you clicked on my blog, you clicked on this post, your reading this is entirely voluntary, and I know for a fact that lots of people enjoy hearing what I have to say).
On a very different, and very important note, new year means new seasons of our (my) favorite tv shows. Warehouse 13 comes back this summer, so does Alphas. Eueka has its last season this year, which is sad, but hopefully its end sums up all the years of happiness that every viewer has felt since the beginning. Game of Thrones, Sanctuary (I think, I don't actually know when the next season starts, or if has even been renewed yet) and whatever shows you geeks out there like to watch.
Also a bit of shameless advertising, the big people out there are re-releasing Titanic in 3-D this April to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the launch of the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Titanic, I hope lots of you go to see it to remember the tragedy of what happened, and celebrate the memory of those who died on that ship.
There's a lot of cool stuff happening this year, and I'll get to it all at some point. So sorry again for the wait, and I hope you tune back in here soon to read whatever else I have to say later on. Here's to the new year, and let's have some fun.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Plaque Buildup

Ah the dreaded return of the dentist.
Everyone has their irrational fears, phobias, blah blah woof woof. But some of us have more than a few. And I know that it's silly to be scared of so many stupid things, but in my defense... dentists are freaking terrifying. I'll admit to not being the best at brushing my teeth when I was a little kid, but now I'm paying for it over and over again with all the damage I inflicted upon my poor teeth almost a decade ago. So that sucks, every year it's a cavity or two, and another drill happy dentist who stabs me with sharp-ass metal picks and then drills my tooth into dust. And while the last couple have been nice enough, I'm getting tired of the judging, all the, "honey you really need to take better care of yourself,"s it's killing me because I'm so good at it now but apparently no one believes me. And the worst part is that even though they last couple haven't really hurt me much, my overall fear stems from the guy who never used painkillers, started drilling without either asking me if I was ok with it, ready for it, or even explaining why he was drilling, and then stabbed away at my gums with the pick things for good measure. So that's why now, two hours before I even have to go to my appointment, I'm shaking from the thought of having to sit there again while somebody looms over me with one of those damn picks. Blech.
So yeah there's one irrational fear down, and for all of you out there who understand my plight and sympathize with me, thanks. For all of you who don't, screw you, I don't like pain, ergo not a fan of the dentist, judge me not.
Any, there's probably another reason why I have crappy teeth, apparently I do the two things that dentists hate; I chew loads of gum (not the healthier sugar free kind) and I drink even more coffee, but I work at Starbucks, that kind of goes with the territory.
And SPEAKING of Starbucks, I love my job more than anything, even got promoted, but I hate the people who come in.
Here's why. This guy comes in right? He orders his drink that costs $3.50, and then pulls out a hundred because for some reason, people where I live have no concept of either credit cards or embarrassment at carrying around hundreds like it makes them important. Anyway, I tell him we don't have the cash to break that, so he sighs like it's a huge imposition, makes some smart ass little comment, and then... pulls out four ones!!!!!! And all I can think, is why the hell did he think it was better to try and pay for a drink with a huge bill when he had four f*****g dollars in his wallet in the first place!
The worst part about this, is that this kind of crap happens Sooooooo, if you go to Starbucks ever, and if you're human and don't live in a sinkhole somewhere, I'm sure you do, please show some common human decency. Please dear god, don't make our lives any more annoying then they have to be, remember, we are only paid to be nice to you! Unless of course you're nice to us, then we are nice to you for free.
Ok that's it, I'm out of stuff now. Have a nice day and pray that the dentist doesn't maim me.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Do any of you ever wonder where we came from?
I'm not talking bullshit like the "Big Bang" or anything like that, I'm not even talking philosophy or existentialism. What happened in the past that led to today.
My last post was two months ago, I lost track of time. That and I had so many other important things to worry about, like graduating high school, attempting to pass the SAT, even trying to start my college apps. None of those are looking so great right now, but at least I can say I'm trying. And that's how I lead up to this moment, right now, me typing on a keyboard.
Not a lot of us think about what led to the important moments, not a lot of us think about what led to the other, less specific, non-important parts. A person can go through their whole life without a clue of what happens step-by-step. And there are some who say that those steps don't matter, it's where you end up that's important.
I think that's crap.
Life sucks for the most part, you work, you work, and you work some more. You try and fail, you may succeed sometimes, but it isn't too likely an outcome. We all make mistakes, but some of us make a lot of them, to the point where the things we do right don't matter anymore. Some make it big, live the dream, but for the most part life just spirals downhill to the end, where we die... alone. I'm not being pessimistic, I know that there are things like love, and war, and kids, marriage, cohabitation, the whole nine yards. I know they matter somewhat in the long haul. But I have yet to see how it really makes any difference. Whether you eat or you starve, breathe or suffocate, it doesn't matter. That's the thing, none of it matters. And while I know I sound like a pamphlet for suicide, I do have a point. I don't think it the end is what matters, I don't think it's the past, I don't even think it's the present. I think it's the thoughts, not "the thought that counts" I'm saying it's the energy buzzing in your head. I think it's some kind of mystical/scientific force that morphs and grows, manipulates and expands, makes us more than we really are, and then abandons us when we lose the ability to hold it. I don't know where it goes after our hearts stop beating, I don't know if it goes to a place that could be considered Heaven or Hell, I just know it's there. I have to know. Otherwise there isn't any point, and that would be a pamphlet for suicide.
Did you know that surgeons started out as necromancers? That's right, they worked on the dead, were considered banes of human existence. Da Vinci could probably be considered one of them, he cut up dead bodies in the dead of night, hoping to god that no one would discover him and execute him. Then there were those who used the knowledge of the necromancers before them to cut open the living, in small dirty dark rooms. Eventually, they got better, and better, and their students learned new things. The rooms got better, more light less scum. Eventually people discovered what infections were and learned about sterility. And now we have huge hospitals and the human life is extended beyond the small handful of years we were originally given. That's a path, that's energy, that's where it has to go. I don't know for sure, but I can sure as hell pray to any sort of deity that there is. The world will end some day, every human will eventually die out. But the energy will go on.
And I guess that's my point, that's what's great about life, not the future, not the past, not the present, it's what's out there; definitely not a pamphlet for suicide after all.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Does God Really Hate?

For today's post, here is the link in case anyone wants to read up on the following people described.

I was reading the online bio on Nathan Lane today and somehow managed to get to the page about Fred Phelps.
For those of you out there who don't know who that is, he is the leader of the controversial church known as the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC). His main movement is called, "God Hates Fags". Naturally he is largely considered to simply be a hateful man who feels that since he can't understand love in any form, he must condemn what many see as "unnatural".
I am all about freedom of speech, beliefs, whatever. But this man is what I can consider to be my only exception. When I was in New York a week ago, I saw a picture on a subway wall. It said, "Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married." And later I saw it all over the city. The message is plain and simple, if you don't like what I'm doing, then don't do it. No one is forcing you to do otherwise, no one is even forcing you to accept it. It is simply requested of you to maintain a sense of dignity and calm in situations which you feel disconnected from.
Fred Phelps is incapable of doing such. And his family is just like him. His children I can only partly blame for their actions, for they were not responsible for the environment in which they were raised. But they are adults now, they are free to make their own decisions, and by going around the country and preaching that God hates Fags, they are proving their own ignorance.
I've never read the Bible, I really haven't ever felt the need to. But I'm pretty sure that no wear in it are the words, "I, God, do hereby state, that some of my own children. The ones that I created, are evil. Because WHEN I created them in my own image, somehow I fucked up and now there are all these freaks out there that are falling in love. The absolute horror of it all! Therefore there shall be a movement, in which the rest of my children the good ones will make sure to spread the word that I hate myself, for aren't all of children a part of me? That's right, I hate myself! And thou shalt be forced to listen to them, and thou shalt have to like it! Because I am God and I and my children are always right!"
Yeah pretty sure that wasn't in there. I know that at some part of it, being gay is said to be a bad thing. But this book, be you a follower of it or not. Was also written a very long time ago. The fact is that we are different, we evolved (scientifically proven no matter what Creationists say) and I think we're the better for it. I also happen to think that if we hadn't developed so many ways to keep people alive and screw up Darwinism as much as possible, most of these haters would have long ago died out as a part of natural selection. But that's judgement on my part, which is wrong because I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to do that (11th commandment). So if that's wrong of me, then isn't it wrong for Phelps to do it?
And by the way, if gay is in the bible, then that means that even back then that was an option for some people. And so if it's not a product of the newer generation full of opportunities and all that, then what's to say that it wasn't always part of God's plan? Better yet, why would God decide to hate on what He created in the first place? And why would it have survived all these years of hate, and persecution, and paranoia?
I don't have all the answers. I don't claim to. I merely claim my right of freedom of speech by saying that I am angry, so angry, that people would hurt, with words or fists, those who are simply trying to find their meaning in life, their true loves, whatever it is that they are looking for. I am angry, but I am also appealing to whatever shred of compassion that may be in their very souls, I appeal to their utter humanity. I hope to God that they can find it within themselves not to hate their brothers and sisters, to accept them for what they are. Children of God, or the Universe, or whatever there may be out there; just like everyone else on the world, and maybe even the ones beyond. I am angry, but I don't hate them.
All I can say is that if there is a Hell? I don't think it's for those who love like others can't understand. I think it's for those who are looking for pain, looking to cause it, who secretly want it and so will only doom themselves to it. It makes me sad that that would be the path they would choose for themselves. But not sad enough that I would stop being angry with them.

P.S. By the way, I was going to end it with humility and all but I'm still a kid myself so I think I've still got some leeway here and as part of my whole being angry and all... Shirley Phelps-Roper has this church column thing where she writes responses to letters and stuff. All I've got to say to her on that note is,
"Dear Shirley,
Go blow it out your ass!"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Apparently I'm Awful

Okie dokie, so nothing really interesting has actually happened to me recently, hence the lack of posts. But I got bored cleaning out my room so here I am, literally talking about nothing. For anyone around the Seattle area reading this, and officially that means the 8 of you who are, the Blue Angels did their show today... again... And may I just ask why they feel the need to practice for two days and then do their show? I mean they're basically just doing the show three times, except they're considered mildly annoying the first two times by most of the people forced to listen to the roaring of their engines, and then they're really frickin annoying after that since that's when people decide to show up to watch them, and that means clogging up traffic so bad that I have to spend the whole day out of the house to escape it all. They do this show every.single.year. And I think they do it everywhere around the country, so why do they need so much practice I wonder? Whatever their deal is, it's just annoying to me, the first time was cool, but that was like 7 years ago, cool has long ago been left behind in the dust.
So on to the title of this post. My little sister is my little sister, so I have to love her, I get that. But what I really hate is how she takes my things. I know, I know, everyone always tells me that that is just what sisters do, and I would be FINE with that if that was all she did. But with all due respect to my little sis, her boobs are like 5 cup sizes bigger than mine. It sucks because by all fairness she's littler than me, so her boobs should be too. Whatever, God just hates me on that one, but still her boobs are bigger than my shirts can handle, so I keep losing clothes. And my makeup disappears, along with my books, my perfumes, pretty much anything that is portable in my room and bathroom. Plus she has this thing where she will NOT close the door after using my bathroom, or It's the little things that bug the shit out of me because she KNOWS that I hate it and so she does it just to piss me off. So naturally I get mad, and I mean, what sane person wouldn't? I'm constantly losing things I like and nothing ever gets done about it. So today I lost it again when she decided to give me everything back. Wait, it gets better! She gave it all back, at once, and in a giant pile in my room. And apparently, according to my mother, it's my responsibility to put it all away. So basically I get punished for her being a thief. Again I get a little upset at this because it is KINDA unfair. And as a result, I get labeled as "awful" by said mother. And she says that she can't win, she can't? SOOOOO, rather than keep my cool, we have a little shouting match in which I try to make my point, and she doesn't listen to any of it, my dad gets mad at me because it's all my fault (right dad because you never get mad about anything), and then I go upstairs and start shoveling at the pile of shit on my floor. And then when I got bored of that I go dump all my personal problems on the Internet, where everything is safe...
And there you go, my life in my perfectly normal and horribly dysfunctional family. And so my problems are passed onto you, and don't you feel better for it?
Oh yeah, and in case you didn't notice, I succumbed to peer pressure and put up adds on my blog, I have now become an annoying blogger who has adds on her blog. Whoot!
Ok, now, I'm done.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

F**k this S**t

So here's a lesson on the maturity of a child.
If you're a member of the age group 0-10, suck it up; your parents may actually know something about how to keep you safe, alive, and marginally healthy.
If you're a member of the age group 10-12, yeah we get it life sucks and everyone is out to get you. Again I hate to say it, but suck it up, think of it this way, once you finally hit 18 your life is yours and it really isn't that far away.
Age group 12-16, parents suck, it's a fact, they say they know what your going through, but unless they were teenage parents and were teenagers in the last 15-20 years or so, not buying it. They don't know anything, the world is vast and it keeps on spinning; spreading out new ideas, inventions, I pads, and god knows what else, so no environment for a kid stays the same for long. And it is a fact that when the environment is different, no childhood is even close to the same, just because your parents went through puberty 30 years ago doesn't mean that they were affected in the same way. So when they say that they know how it feels, you can either take a page from my book and show them absolutely no respect by verbally kicking their asses, or take a different page from my book and mentally stew about and let the resentment fester. Probably both of those scenarios will end badly, but either way you will know that in the end you, or rather I, was right.
Now for my age group, 16-18. Parents still suck, but at least now we're old enough to know that while we still may act like children a good percentage of the time, the rest of the time we're well on our way to being adults and we would like to be treated accordingly. If you're my parents in this case, that involves putting me in a cell made of pretend caring, but it doesn't have to always be that way. Find your own way of making noise, yell, scream, blow something up. Whatever you do, prove them right and show them just how immature you are, but at the same time, get your point across that you want to be treated differently. It may not happen overnight, there may be a good deal of hurt feelings, you may even fail. But the effort has to be made, and somehow, someday,! And the world will be a better place for it.
And now for the last age group, 18-till the rest of your life. I'm not there yet, so I don't know how I will feel when the time comes, but try to remember this, you were a kid once, so yeah things may change but for a while there everything sucked. Life was a teeter-totter of hormones and voice cracks, Halo and spoiling. I have lost count of how many people I know have said that they will be better parents than their own when they grow up, and maybe that will be so, but I can almost guarantee that at some point, your future kids (should you go crazy and have them) will hate you and scream and shout and find whatever outlets they can for personal freedom. So the only advice I can give to you is, enjoy your remaining childish impulses while they last, screw up your lives for a good decade or so, or maybe even be the most hated goody-two-shoes that you can, whatever. Whatever happens, happens. Remember what you're thinking and feeling every time you do something silly or serious, write it down, make up a song, create a documentary, whatever. Make sure that when the time comes, you can find a way to recapture those feelings down the road, and maybe your kids will hate you just a little less. And maybe the world will be a better place in the end. Maybe. Or maybe it'll just get a LOT worse. But it's worth a shot isn't it?
Think on it,